30 minute Skype harmonica lessons £15

Please email me on ianboyleblues@gmail.com to book

Let me help you get on the right path with a one to one skype lesson. We will look at everything from holding the harmonica to bending and scales but the most important thing is to enjoy your playing , whatever your level.

Best beginner harmonica

Learning to play the harmonica can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Harmonicas are small, portable, and versatile instruments that can produce a variety of sounds and styles. Playing the harmonica can also improve your breathing, musical ear, and creativity. Whether you want to play blues, folk, rock, something old or something modern, the harmonica can help you express yourself musically.

Having a few lessons from an experienced player is a good idea at the beginning.

There is so much information on the web it can be a little overwhelming knowing were to start.

There’s no two people the same and so no one size fits all. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

After years of playing and thinking back, if only I would of known this or known that this process would have been much quicker.